Is there a treatment for MDMA addiction? - Pandora Charms Jewellery
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Is there a treatment for MDMA addiction?

Additionally, MDMA-relate fatalities at raves have been report. The stimulant effects of the drug, which enable the user to dance for extended periods, combined with the hot, crowded conditions usually found at raves can lead to dehydration, hyperthermia (dangerous increase in body temperature), and heart or kidney failure.

Other drugs chemically similar to Ecstasy, such as MDA (methylenedioxyamphetamine, the parent drug of Ecstasy). These drugs can be toxic to the brain or create additional health risks to the user.

Additionally, the illegal sale of Ecstasy or Molly makes it prone to being “cut” with other illicit and potentially toxic or deadly chemicals.

Is there a treatment for MDMA addiction? - Pandora Charms Jewellery

Additionally, while the combination of Ecstasy with one or more of these drugs may be inherently dangerous, users might also voluntarily combine them with substances.

Such as, marijuana, alcohol, or opioids, putting themselves at further risk of physical harm and overdose.

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